Who can take the course?
Anyone who is at least 21 years old and has been a Kentucky resident for at least six months before applying.
Additionally, a person is NOT eligible under several other circumstances such as (but not limited to): been a convicted felon, unlawful user of or addicted to controlled substances, judged mentally defective, an illegal alien, dishonorably discharged, convicted of domestic violence, has two or more convictions for DUI.
I don’t live in Lincoln County – can I still take it here?
Sure. You can take the course anywhere in Kentucky, by any Certified CCDW Instructor.
Are you the only CCDW Instructors around here?
Absolutely not! There are several other fully qualified and capable instructors in the State.
You may obtain a full listing of current instructors from your local sheriff’s office.
And we have added a link below.
When is the next class? How often do you offer it?
First Sat. of every Month, Check our website or call us.
What weapons are covered under the CCDW license?
* Any weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or serious physical injury, may be discharged.
* Any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife or hunting knife.
* Billy, nightstick, or club.
* Blackjack or slapjack.
* Nunchaku karate sticks.
* Shiriken or death star.
* Artificial knuckles made from plastic, or other similar hard material.
How can I legally carry a gun in my vehicle without a CCDW license?
KRS 527.020 - "A deadly weapon shall not be deemed concealed on or about the person if it is located in a glove compartment, regularly installed in a motor vehicle by its manufacturer regardless of whether said compartment is locked, unlocked, or does not have a locking mechanism."
How will I be notified when it is time to renew my CCDW license?
One hundred twenty (120) days prior to the expiration date of the license, a written notice of expiration and a renewal form shall be mailed to each licensee.
Is anyone exempt from the payment of the application fee?
Yes. Active peace officers currently certified by the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council and retired peace officers who are members of the Kentucky Employees Retirement System, State Police Retirement System, County Employees Retirement System or other retirement system operated by or for a city, county or urban-county in Kentucky are exempt from the payment of the application fee.
What is the renewal fee?
Sixty dollars.
How long is the license valid?
Five years from the date of issuance unless suspended or revoked.
Remember: To carry a firearm is an incredible responsibility. Practice your skills at least once every three months for basic skills, once every month for moderate skills, and at least once a week for higher skills. Make Openrange your partner in responsible Conceal Carry.